17 New Ways to Get More Instagram Likes in 2022 (Real & Free)

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17 New Ways to Get More Instagram Likes in 2022 (Real & Free)

When you create a new page on Instagram, the number of likes on your Instagram page is very low. In this article, we will tell you 17 new ways to get more Instagram likes, These ways are based on the latest updates and Instagram algorithms in 2022.

Instagram is a social network where many people work as bloggers or influencers and attract followers and earn money. 

Their income depends on the likes they receive and the followers they attract.

If you’ve been on Instagram for a while, you probably know that most people are looking to increase followers, likes, comments, and more.

According to Instagram algorithms, a high engagement rate is one of the most critical factors in developing pages. 

One thing that plays a role in calculating the engagement rate and is very important is the number of likes on the post. Like posts on Instagram by users means that they like your content.

If the number of likes you receive increases, more followers and visitors will come to your page. 

If people like what you have shared, they will scroll your entire account or send some of your posts to their friends. 

Also, If you want to buy Instagram account, the number of likes will be one of the most important parts.

Therefore, likes are one of the most critical factors in increasing your Instagram followers and page engagement rate.

To use the benefits of increasing Instagram likes more, we have prepared a guide for you to get more likes. So stay with Logino until the end of this article.

Get More Instagram Likes

Is the number of likes still important after hiding the number of likes?

In a test case, Instagram has decided to hide the number of likes to other users.

Of course, the number of likes is still displayed in most accounts. So now the question is, is the number of likes still substantial?

It is wrong to believe that the importance of the number of likes is lost. 

Based on the Instagram algorithm, increasing likes on Instagram can help posts reach the Explorer.

Suppose a post has a lot of likes. In that case, Instagram will conclude that the content produced is of such a high quality that even though the number of likes is not displayed, many users still like it. 

Therefore, increasing Instagram likes is very important.

How to increase the likes of our Instagram posts?

Now that you know the importance of the number of likes, you should do some tricks for this if you decide to increase the likes on Instagram. 

Here are 15 new ways users can easily click on the heart icon below your post. 

In the end, we will learn three unique ways to increase your Instagram likes as much as possible, which will transform your page. So be sure to stay with us until the end!

Use #Hashtags in your posts!

1. Use #Hashtags in your posts!

With the ability to follow hashtags in the new Instagram update, you should be more careful in using hashtags Because Instagram deletes posts unrelated to that hashtag.

So be very smart in using hashtags for your posts and use related hashtags.

The hashtag is one of the most effective ways to increase Instagram likes. 

Using your own hashtags, you can create a specific community, and they will find you and your page just by searching for that hashtag. 

Research has shown that posts that use nine or up to 15 hashtags related to their post receive the most likes. 

But note that hashtags must be related to the content of your post. 

In the past, to increase the number of likes on Instagram, the most trendy hashtags, such as love, friendship, family, etc., were used without being related to the post. 

But as Instagram algorithms become smarter in 2022, the app can detect unrelated hashtags and even delete your posts.

Also, keep in mind that the number of hashtags you can use is limited. 

If you use 30 hashtags per post, Instagram will recognize you as a bot and block your account.

So, in a nutshell:

  1. Use hashtags that are entirely related to the content of the post;
  2. Use between 9 and up to 15 hashtags per post;
  3. Do not use the hashtag too general or too detailed;
  4. Put hashtags at the bottom of the caption or in the comments section;
  5. Have a dedicated hashtag for your brand.

To get more Instagram likes, tag your location in the post!

2. To get more Instagram likes, tag your location in the post!

Tagging the location of the post is another method that can indirectly play a role in increasing Instagram likes. 

If you set a location for your Instagram posts, users will see your post if they search for that location. This way, more people will have a chance to like your post.

Find the golden time

3. Find the golden time

While there are many ways to increase Instagram likes, posting in the golden time is a quick way to success. 

Instagram algorithms love posts that receive a lot of interaction from their audience shortly after publication.

Choose a time to post when your target audience is online during those hours. This will make them pay more attention to your post. 

On average, users interact with Instagram the most during the following hours:

  • 12 to 2 pm: People rest time
  • 5 to 7 pm: Time for people to move from work to work
  • 8 to 11 pm: People’s leisure time

Note that your users may be active during other hours; For example, if your followers are housewives, their working hours will differ from those of employees. 

So choose the best time to post according to the personality of your target followers to increase the post’s likes.

If you are still unsure about choosing the time, try different times. 

Know your followers well

4. Know your followers well

Analyze posts you have already shared. Note which posts are most liked and why? If you have not yet published a post, look at posts related to your topic on other pages and analyze what kind of content your audience is most in favor of. 

Experience has shown that educational, humorous, and entertaining photos or videos have more fans on Instagram. 

Suppose you know the manner of your audience. In that case, you will better understand what type of posts they like, what can make them laugh, entertain or encourage them to buy your products and services. Attract your audience by producing content and try not to miss them.

Publish good content to increase Instagram likes!

5. Publish good content to increase Instagram likes!

The first step to gaining success on Instagram, significantly increasing likes, is to produce the right content. 

Even if your page has a lot of followers but does not have quality content, you will not be able to keep them on your page. 

Therefore, you will miss the golden opportunity to succeed in this and increase your likes. 

So if you want to increase the number of likes on your posts, you have to optimize your content technically and visually in the first step.

Use hashtags in bio and Instagram story to increase likes!

6. Use hashtags in bio and Instagram story to increase likes!

You may be reading the headline and saying that using hashtags in bio and story can not be effective in increasing likes on Instagram. 

But you have to keep in mind, indeed, story and bio can not directly affect the number of likes, but by increasing the number of page viewers, they can increase the likes of your posts on this.

Write long and attractive captions

7. Write long and attractive captions

Writing a good, professional, and related caption can increase the likes of your page posts.

If the image of the post published on the page is ambiguous or needs guidance and explanation, you can do this by writing a good caption.

Use your creativity and write captions that engage the followers. 

Try to use the best, most inspiring, and persuasive words. 

Through humorous, nostalgic, and hopeful texts, make the audience relate to the caption and relate it to themselves.

New Instagram algorithms consider the user’s time spent on your content as a measure of the attractiveness of your page and content; 

So one of the easiest ways to increase Instagram likes is to write long captions.

The maximum allowed caption length on Instagram is 2200 characters but use it as much as possible. 

Do not stretch your writing so much that it annoys the followers. 

Use engaging conversations between yourself and your friends, educational tips, and pleasant content to engage the followers to the end of the caption.

Be careful when using emojis. Do not write the text like an official and formal letter, nor teenagers’ messages full of different emojis!

If you want followers to like your posts, say them directly

8. If you want followers to like your posts, say them directly

In 2022, the most crucial strategy of Instagram is to create engagement; for example, Instagram cares about how long users spend viewing your content. 

So ask your audience for the call to action you want. 

Ask them directly:

  • Flip through your slide posts;
  • Save them;
  • Leave a comment and express their opinion;
  • Share the post with their friends;
  • If you liked the post, like it.

In this case, do not be obsessed. Your audience can not read your mind. So if you are looking to increase Instagram likes, ask them this very clearly.

Tagging people or brands to increase likes on Instagram

9. Tagging people or brands to increase likes on Instagram

Tagging other pages can indirectly increase the number of likes on the post. 

If you tag other people’s accounts in your posts, your post will be displayed in the Tagged Posts section of the relevant page. 

This way, others will access your page through other accounts.

Have a content calendar to increase likes on Insta

10. Have a content calendar to increase likes on Insta

If you work as a brand on Instagram, setting up a content calendar for your work to increase likes is better. 

Having a content calendar means publishing your posts at regular intervals and at scheduled times. 

This will let users know when content is published on your page and be online to view it. 

That way, when more people view your post, you will definitely get more likes.

Reply to comments in a friendly way

11. Reply to comments in a friendly way

If you share a post, then leave it, do not reply to any of your comments, or worse, close the comments and do not allow the audience to express their opinions; it seems to the followers that their opinion is not important to you. 

Therefore, it does not interact with your post. 

But suppose you respond to comments politely and engagingly. In that case, you will create a sense of intimacy and friendship with your followers. 

Then it looks like you are a real person who can be contacted. This friendly relationship on Instagram will bring you more likes!

Like others posts

12. Like others posts

If you are looking to increase your Instagram likes, you should also like others posts. 

Reacting to, liking, and commenting on content that others share will make your page more recognizable. By doing this, you can get more followers and reciprocally more likes!

Note that Instagram’s strategy is to focus more on engagement, so interact more with others. 

Leave creative comments under their posts to have a chance to get the attention of the page owner and his followers.

Try publishing different types of content!

13. Try publishing different types of content!

After working on Instagram for a while, analyze the performance of your page followers and determine which type of content they like the most. For example, do they engage with video or images more? Do they like single posts more or multiple posts?

After publishing various types of content and analyzing users, adjust your approach according to the followers’ favorites. 

This strategy can be very effective in increasing likes on Instagram.

Publish update and trend content to increase Instagram likes!

14. Publish update and trend content to increase Instagram likes!

To increase likes on Instagram, you need to be very active and cover the latest trending content on Instagram

In this case, you will see that the number of likes of your posts will increase dramatically.

Promote posts on Instagram

15. Promote posts on Instagram to get real likes

Promoting posts is a service provided with Instagram. 

Users can officially advertise their posts through Instagram explorer for a fee. 

This will increase the number of visits to your page and increase the number of likes on Instagram.

Use highlights to increase Instagram likes!

16. Use highlights to increase Instagram likes!

Highlighted Stories is one of the Instagram story features used to increase Instagram likes. 

This way, you can put your best posts on your page in the highlighted stories section so that new followers that are seeing your page can access them. 

This will increase the number of likes of the desired posts.

Analyze competitors to increase Instagram likes!

17. Analyze competitors to increase Instagram likes!

Certainly, competitor analysis can help you in producing content and other areas. 

Identify the pages that work in your field and review their content production strategy. 

If the tips you learned this way are helpful to you, you can also use them on your page. 

Note, however, that this advice does not mean copying and only means that you can be inspired by your competitors to improve your business.

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