12 Tips to Increase Sales with Instagram Story 💰 (2023)

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12 Tips to Increase Sales with Instagram Story 💰 (2023)

How to sell in the Instagram story in 2023? In this article, we teach the techniques of increasing sales in Instagram stories that lead to the growth of your Instagram page. 

Instagram story is one of the attractive features that if you know the techniques of working with it, you can experience upward growth in a short period of time.

You need to convert your followers into customers. But how you can use the story in this direction may seem a little tricky.

Stay with Logino in the rest of this article. We discuss the techniques for increasing sales in the Instagram story and give you useful tips.

What is the Instagram story?

The story is one of the features on Instagram that you can share all kinds of content, including text content, video, podcast, etc., with users in only 24 hours and receive action from users.

The Instagram story has great potential, but many people do not use this opportunity and ignore it.

Many people first view Instagram stories and then visit posts, so you have enough opportunity in stories to convince users to buy more.

Why don’t I have sales on Instagram?

This is the first question you should ask yourself, and there may be many reasons,

for example, you may not have been able to gain enough credibility among your followers, or the purchasing process may be complicated for the buyer.

In the article why I don’t have sales on Instagram, we discussed this issue; you can read this article.

What effect does the story have on sales?

Stories may directly or indirectly affect the sales of pages. 

But generally, if you keep followers in your story more and interact with them, Instagram will show your story and posts to those followers more. 

This puts your page in front of your followers’ eyes, and they get to know your brand and product more. 

In this case, when the person or his friends need the product you offer, the first option that comes to their mind will be your brand.

Tips to Increase Sales with Instagram Story

Techniques for increasing sales on Instagram Story

The 13 techniques listed below will help you present your product or service to followers better:

  1. Attractive story with a unique design
  2. Storytelling like bloggers
  3. Share customer photos and reviews
  4. Using hashtags
  5. Have fun with your followers
  6. Engage with followers on Instagram story
  7. Adding new posts to the story
  8. Partner with Influencers and Bloggers
  9. Add your website link to the story
  10. Use Instagram Stories to tell a story!
  11. Know your followers!
  12. Put coupons and offers on Stories

1. Attractive story with a unique design

Always use a combination of filters, stickers, gifs, and instagram fonts, and get help from different themes.

In the story, use photos that are exclusive to you and try to use quality photos.

Pay attention to the frame and structure; the size of all phones is not the same. As a result, the story you see may differ from that of your followers, and texts or other elements may be off the page.

Be very careful in choosing the background; the design and color of the background should not prevent people from paying attention to the main content.

If possible, make unique stickers for your page and use them in all stories.

2. Storytelling like bloggers

Try to be friends with your followers in the story, and show your life and business in the story.

Like bloggers, leave a story from your daily life; this will make the follower feel close to you and increase their trust in you.

If you have a particular product, post exciting stories about the manufacturing process, marketing, product delivery, etc.

Storytelling like bloggers.

3. Share customer photos and reviews

Ask the opinion of the customers who buy from you about your product and service and share it with their permission.

This will make your followers trust you.

Also, those people who are afraid of being scammed, their fear will disappear.

You can even put your negative opinion in between your positive opinion and try to improve that negative aspect.

This lets customers know they are dealing with a business or brand with nothing to hide.

4. Using hashtags to sell in the story

Most people ignore this feature and consider it pointless,

maybe this action is pointless for private pages, but if your page is public, don’t forget the hashtags.

These hashtags connect your stories to a keyword and reach the target community.

Of course, this method cannot be a guarantee to convert people into followers and then into customers. But it is undoubtedly an excellent way to introduce the brand to others.

5. Have fun with your followers

In general, Instagram users like to follow a page that is fun for them and fills their free time nicely or that is practical and helps them somewhere.

Your stories should not always be related to your products or business; sometimes, you can maximize engagement rate by having entertaining content.

Don’t always think that you have to sell a product; sometimes, you can help your sales by including educational content.

6. Engage with followers on Instagram story

There are many features in the Instagram story, such as a question box or poll.

In the story, use these features and make the followers react.

According to Instagram’s algorithm, your page’s engagement rate will increase, and Instagram will show your page higher than your competitors.

Also, you can story the followers’ replies with permission, so an interaction is created between you and your followers.

Put the stories in such a way that the followers are forced to return to the previous stories; according to the Instagram algorithm, this works wonders.

 And finally, ask them directly to like and respond to your story.

Engage with followers on Instagram story

7. Adding new posts to the story

Unlike stories, posts are more formal, and you can’t publish anything in the posts. Still, you can also show the post’s content to users by adding new posts to the story.

Stories are usually seen more than posts, so if you post a new post on your page, be sure to story it and ask users to interact with your post.

For example, you can ask them to ask questions about the product under the same post’s comments.

Adding new posts to the story

8. Partner with Influencers and Bloggers

This method may require money, but it can be very effective.

Ask influencers and bloggers who specialize in your niche to use and explain your products and make stories for them.

This will increase the credibility of your brand with followers,

and influencers can significantly impact your sales due to their strong influence.

9. Add your website link to the story

Nowadays, it is rare to see a brand that doesn’t have a website

The website can be an excellent market for your business, so we suggest that if you don’t have a website for your brand, you should consider it.

Previously, only pages with more than 10,000 followers could put a site link in their story,

but now, this feature exists for all pages.

You should use this helpful feature and send your followers to the site.

Add your website link to the story

10. Use Instagram Stories to tell a story!

There is no limit to the number of daily stories you can post, so try to take advantage of this opportunity.

You can tell the story of your product or those who work in your business.

This will be very pleasant for users because they can get to know your page more.

Tell the related story in several stories and put a call to action button at the end; 

For example, you can put your product link or a question box and ask your followers’ opinions.

11. Know your followers!

Instagram has a feature in which you can get a lot of information about your followers,

for example, know how old most of your followers are, where they live, and what gender they are.

You can see these things in the Insights section.

The story you post should be related to the needs of most of your followers.

For example, if most of your followers are teenagers, avoid posting stories with extended text and try to post stories with attractive designs.

12. Put coupons and offers on Stories

The Instagram story can be the best place to inform followers about seasonal discounts.

In addition, you can offer special and different offers to followers through the story.

For example, tell them that shipping will be free if they buy our product by the end of this week.


Sales in a story are possible through several practical techniques. You should know all of them and use trial and error to find the best way to use them.

To create exciting and valuable stories, you must have a content calendar and an efficient strategy to draw your road map.

Stories are a great way to reach current and future customers. So be sure to plan on using it properly.

Selling on Instagram is experimental, and the more you work in this space and analyze your competitors, the more effective methods you will find.

To succeed in online businesses, gaining users’ trust is very important. Therefore, all your activities should attract users’ trust and opinions.

The things mentioned above may seem simple and easy, but these things can increase sales on Instagram

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